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Navigating InQuiry

InQuiry is designed to provide easy and intuitive navigation, enhanced productivity, and information at a glance. It is organized into a group of user menus in the top right corner and navigational tabs along the left side.

User Menus

Three user menus appear in the upper right corner and persist throughout InQuiry.

Help Menu

Help Menu The Help menu provides references to assist providers.

Help Desk - Provides contact information for support. To navigate here go to Help Menu in the upper right corner then select Help Desk.

Phone Dictation Help - Downloads the InTouch Telephone Dictation Instructions. To navigate here go to Help Menu in the upper right corner then select Phone Dictation Help.

Settings Menu

Settings Menu The Settings menu contains options to personalize the user experience, setup notifications, and access Client Maintenance.

Preferences - Allows the user to modify the way InQuiry prints and behaves while the user performs various functions in the application. Due to the nature of these settings, they are saved to the local browser and not to the user login. This means users can have different preferences selected when using different computers/browsers. User Preferences

To navigate here go to Settings Menu in the upper right corner then select Preferences.

Password Reset Email is used to reset forgotten passwords. Email addresses can be changed and verified here. The verification status is displayed next to the email address. See Email Verification for more information on the verification process.

The Save button saves changes and closes the User Preferences window. The Cancel and Close Close buttons close the window without saving changes.

Toggle additional help text with Help Button.

Workflow Notifications - Allows InQuiry users to receive email notifying them of the number of transcriptions in their Preliminary and/or Referral folders. Notifications can be enabled for one folder or both. Workflow Notifications

To navigate here go to Settings Menu in the upper right corner then select Workflow Notifications.

The notification email address does not have to match the verified user email address. Multiple email address can be entered, separated by a semi-colon (;).

Check the Real Time Notification box to receive emails as transcriptions become available for signature in the Preliminary folder.

When enabled, the Include Users To Which I Have Proxy option will send real time and/or scheduled email notifications for jobs in your Preliminary folder for providers to whom you have proxy.

To schedule Preliminary folder notifications, click Add Notification Day/Time, select the day(s) of the week and hour, then click Ok. To delete a notification, select it from the list then click Remove Notification Day/Time.

Notifications for the Referral folder are always sent at 7 AM in the client's time zone and are generated on the selected days.

Client Maintenance - Opens Client Maintenance in a new browser tab and allows users to modify client setup, Associates, Patients, Documents, Users, Templates, ShadowPrint options, and other advanced features.

To navigate here go to Settings Menu in the upper right corner then select Client Maintenance.

Access to this link does not necessarily confer access to all these features and is typically reserved for system administrators and advanced users.

User Profile Menu

User Profile Menu

  • Set InTouch PIN - Allows the dictating user to set or change an InTouch PIN to access the dictation review function of InTouch telephone dictation system. This option will only appear if the client has an InTouch emulation that supports dictation review.
  • Change Password - This link allows a user to change their password. The password requirements configured for the client are shown at the top of the screen.
  • Log Out - Logs the user out and returns to the log in page.

The application's primary features are structured within intuitive tabs along the left side. The navigation menu can be collapsed to allow for more working screen space or expanded for easy navigation by toggling the arrow that appears when the mouse pointer is in the menu area. Clicking on a parent navigation menu item will open the first sub-menu item.

The navigation menu and related sub-menus can include:

  • Home
  • Patients
  • Scribe
  • Search All (Basic Search, Invalidated, Faxes)
  • Workflow (A sub-menu includes each folder enabled and accessible by the client and user)
  • Faxes (Manage Faxes, Pending Faxes)
  • ShadowPrint (Services, Rules, Transcriptions)
  • ShadowLink (Services, Patient, Associate, & Document Deliveries)
  • Reports (Home, Scheduled Reports, Saved Reports)


Access to several of the tabs is dependent on user permissions. The available tabs may differ between what is shown in this user guide.